Sayyed Khamenei says “al-Aqsa flood” struck America’s project in region

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sayyed Khamenei says “al-Aqsa flood” struck America’s project in region
[30/ November/2023]
TEHRAN November 30. 2023 (Saba) - Leader of the Revolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran Sayyed Ali Khamenei has confirmed that the “al-Aqsa Flood” struck the American project for the “New Middle East, " pointing out that Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria were part of this project.

Sayyed Khamenei said "al-Aqsa flood is a historic event in every sense of the word, which was able to strike the United States’ project in the region.”
He pointed out that “if this continues... The flood will wipe out the entire project.”

Khamenei added "The Zionist entity's barbaric aggression against Gaza not only exposed the Zionists, but also exposed the United States."

He continued "The flood of al-Aqsa cannot be extinguished, and these conditions will not continue as they are."

Khamenei explained that “the Al-Aqsa flood exposed the United States and specific European countries, and also exposed Western civilization and culture

He noted that “it is the same civilization that says that the Zionist entity is defending itself when it dropped phosphorus bombs and killed five thousand children,” wondering! “ Is this self-defense?

Khamenei said “The tragedies that we have witnessed in the last 50 days are a condensed summary of the crimes committed by this entity over the past 75 years in Palestine,” and “These crimes are the same ones that we are witnessing today in an intense manner, but they have been continuing for seven decades. The killing of the people. The Palestinians were expelled from their homes and demolished."

Sayyed Khamenei addressed that the information said by some parties claiming that “the Islamic Republic of Iran wants to throw the Jews or Zionists into the sea,” stressing that “this was said by some Arabs previously and Iran never said it.”

He pointed out that "the decision to keep the Jews or Zionists or to request their departure is up to the opinion of the Palestinian people, and the government elected by the votes of the Palestinian people is the one who decides that, and Iran has no say in this matter."

Khamenei also confirmed that the American project failed in Lebanon, saying “The Americans wanted to eliminate Hezbollah, but they failed,” and “Hezbollah today is ten times stronger than it was in previous years.”

resource : Saba