Biden administration calls on Congress to approve tank shells sale to Israel

Yemen News Agency SABA
Biden administration calls on Congress to approve tank shells sale to Israel
[09/ December/2023]
WASHINGTON December 09. 2023 (Saba) - Washington requested earlier this week Congress' approval for a sale of 45,000 Merkava tank shells to "Israel" to be used in the war on Gaza, as the brutal aggression on the Strip crossed its two-month, a US official and former official said, according to Reuters.

The potential $500 million sale is not part of the fund of $110.5 billion earlier requested by US President Joe Biden for both Ukraine and "Israel".
Currently, the Senate Foreign Relations and House of Representatives Foreign Affairs committees are looking into the request. Meanwhile, the US State Department is pushing for a quick approval.

"This went to committees earlier this week and they are supposed to have 20 days to review Israel cases. State (Department) is pushing them to clear now," Josh Paul, a former State Department spokesperson, told Reuters.

But the US State Department is pushing the congressional committees to quickly approve the transaction, amid objections from rights advocates over the use of US-made weapons in the war.


resource : Saba