Handing over financial & in-kind convoy from people of Sirwah District to Palestinian resistance factions


Yemen News Agency SABA
Handing over financial & in-kind convoy from people of Sirwah District to Palestinian resistance factions
[09/ December/2023]

SANA'A December 09. 2023 (Saba) - The Governor of Marib, Ali Muhammad Tuaiman, handed over a financial and in-kind convoy from the people of the Sarwah District to the Palestinian resistance factions in Sana'a.

The financial support was received by the official of the Palestinian file in Ansar Allah - the head of the central committee for collecting donations for the “Al-Quds is Closer” campaign, Hassan Al-Humran, and the representatives of the Islamic Jihad movement in Sana’a, Ahmed Baraka, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Khaled Khalifa.

During the handover, in the presence of leaders in the local authority and the supervisory office, Governor Tuaiman confirmed that this convoy, which is the first from the Sarwah District, will be followed by convoys of financial and in-kind support from the rest of the districts as the least duty that can be provided to the mujahideen in Gaza... stressing the willingness of the people of Marib to donate money and lives in support for Palestine.

In turn, Al-Humran praised the initiative of the people of Sarwah District, which provided a financial and in-kind convoy. In support of the Palestinian resistance, which wrote the most wonderful epics of heroism and redemption in the face of the usurping Zionist entity... Praising this kind initiative by the people of the Sirwah district, which was subjected to more than forty thousand raids from the aggression’s aircraft, and despite their suffering, they offer their money in support of the nation’s central cause.

The representative of the Islamic Jihad Movement praised the convoy presented by the people of the Sarwah District, which expresses the generosity and loyalty of the people of Marib and the Yemeni people in general, and their steadfast positions in supporting the Palestinian people... Stressing that victory will - God willing - be an ally for Yemen and Palestine, and for all the oppressed in this world - with God aid.

The director of the Social Affairs Office in the governorate, Hussein Abu Nab, indicated that the convoy comes in response to the directives of the revolution leader to participate in support and spending for the heroes of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza, who are performing heroic deeds in the face of the usurping Israeli occupation.


resource : Saba