SANA'A December 10. 2023 (Saba) -In a step that is the first of its kind, the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aqaba to Bab al-Mandab has become forbidden for the Zionist entity to cross, whether by ships belonging to it, companies dealing with it, or any ships owned.
This step taken by the revolutionary leadership, represented by the leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, comes in support of the Palestinian Arab people who are subjected to a war of extermination. Especially in Gaza more than two months ago by the Zionist enemy supported by America and the West, it was not for media hype, but rather a firm and principled Yemeni position stemming from its faith and identity towards the Palestinian people.
Confirmations continued from senior political and military leaders that Yemen would continue to stand alongside its brothers in Palestine until the American-Zionist aggression against Gaza and the occupied territories was stopped, which was indicated by the Minister of Defense, Major General Muhammad Nasser Al-Atfi, who visited stationed members of the naval forces and coastal defense.
While the Minister of Defense stated that the Red Sea is forbidden to the ships of the Zionist entity, and that the naval forces, missile forces, and drones are ready to launch the harshest strikes on fixed and mobile targets of the enemy entity, he reassured at the same time all countries of the world that the Red Sea is a safe area for international trade, except for affiliated and associated ships with the Zionist entity.
These statements did not come suddenly, but were preceded by warnings from the senior revolutionary, political and military leadership, from the first day that the leaders of the Zionist enemy decided to launch the aggression against Gaza, killing children, women and civilians, displacing them, practicing all forms of forced displacement on the residents of the Gaza Strip, and systematically destroying homes, facilities, and public and private property.
The policy of mass murder and extermination committed by Israel in Gaza was met with widespread global popular condemnation, including people in America and Western countries, despite the identification of its rulers with the Zionist entity and direct and unlimited support for Israel to kill and exterminate.
The matter was not limited to that, but America, Britain, France, and Germany were quick to support the Zionist position through visits, communications, and statements in support of the enemy entity with the actions it takes and crimes it commits to the point of Biden’s visit to Israel to confirm his support and give him the green light for what it is doing and implementing in front of the eyes of the world.
The human rights slogans that America and Western countries have repeatedly chanted over the decades, and sought and sought to convince the countries and peoples of the world of them, fell apart in the face of their shameful positions towards the genocide taking place in Gaza against children, women and civilians.
The bottom line is that Yemen's position against the Zionist entity is not arbitrary, but rather due to the awareness of the Yemeni leadership, government and people that the barbarism of the usurping entity is not limited to Palestine only, but rather targets countries and forces opposed to Western American Zionist hegemony.