Zionist media: Yemeni threat strategically jeopardizes Israeli shipping


Yemen News Agency SABA
Zionist media: Yemeni threat strategically jeopardizes Israeli shipping
[10/ December/2023]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS December 10. 2023 (Saba) – Zionist media commented on Yemeni threats to ships heading for enemy-controlled ports via the Red Sea and Arabian Sea, as long as foods and medicines are denied access to Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni threat poses a problem to Israel's national security and a strategically serious risk to its shipping freedom, former chief of Zionist military intelligence to Israeli media.

The Yemeni threats will reflect on Israelis in terms of high cost of living, Tamir Hyman added, as the "Yemenis became more braggart against us."

According to military commenter at 'Channel 12', the Zionist entity tries to tell the US that: Yemen's threats are not our – but a global – problem, pressing for a solution that should not be made by us alone, but also by others.

Israel tries to say that the Yemeni threats harm the whole World's shipping and trade, Nir Dafori added, so the matter should be treated globally.

For BDO senior economist, Yemen's threat to shipping routes to Israel could lead to grave economic price for costs of living and import chain, as 70 percent of the 400-million-shekel imports to Israel comes via sea.

The Yemeni threat's effect manifests in three levels, Lehn Hertzog argued.

The first is a surge in shipping insurance costs because of the high risks, the second is that vessels heading to Israel would have to take a detoured shipping route around Africa instead of the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb, and the third is the fact that foreign shipping companies would avoid arrival at Israeli ports to dodge risks, or because of insurance restriction.

The Yemeni armed forces on Saturday vowed to block the passage of all the ships heading to Zionist ports, as long as foods and medicines are denied access to Gaza Strip.

The decision comes following the Zionist persistent heinous massacres and genocide crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza, Sana'a government said.


resource : SABA