Politico : A $2 million missile is used to intercept a Yemeni drone worth $2,000


Yemen News Agency SABA
Politico : A $2 million missile is used to intercept a Yemeni drone worth $2,000
[20/ December/2023]
WASHINGTON December 20. 2023 (Saba) - American media reports, citing Pentagon officials, revealed yesterday that the cost of shooting down Yemenis' drones and missiles is a growing source of concern.

An American source in the ministry told Politico website : A missile worth two million dollars was used to intercept a Yemeni drone worth two thousand dollars... noting that US Navy ships shot down 38 drones and missiles in the Red Sea within two months.

According to Politico, the problem of the cost of shooting down Yemeni drones needs to be solved, and the United States must consider less expensive options.


resource : SABA