Israeli army launches rehabilitation program for soldiers returning from Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
Israeli army launches rehabilitation program for soldiers returning from Gaza
[25/ December/2023]
OCCUPIED AL-QUDS December 25. 2023 (Saba) - The Zionist army's rehabilitation section will run a program to help soldiers suffering psychic disorders following Gaza war, according to Israeli media.

Teams will be formed of nurses and psychiatrists able to deal with suicide trends, Yedioth Ahronoth on Sunday quoted officials at the section as saying, in order to consider the soldiers experiencing psychic disorders.

The war on Gaza "imposes high, unbearable price in lives, body injures and psychic disorders, particularly among the disabled soldiers," the Zionist paper added.

Over 2,800 soldiers have been cured at the IDM's rehabilitation section since the Aqsa Storm outbreak, Haaretz said.

18 percent of these soldiers suffered difficulties in mental health and post-trauma disorders, according to the Israeli paper.


resource : SABA