armed forces warn American enemy of any escalation against Yemen

Yemen News Agency SABA
 armed forces warn American enemy of any escalation against Yemen
[30/ December/2023]
SANA'A December 30. 2023 (Saba)- The Yemeni armed forces warned the American enemy against any escalation against the Yemeni people.

The official spokesman for the Armed Forces,Yahya Saree, said in a press statement, “The Yemeni Armed Forces warn the American enemy of the consequences of undertaking any escalation against our country and our people,

Saree also warns all countries that the American seeks to involve them with in protecting the ships of the Zionist enemy.”

He stressed that the Yemeni Armed Forces will not hesitate to take everything necessary to defend and confront any aggression within their religious and national duties and responsibilities.

Brigadier General Sarie reaffirmed Yemen's firm and principled position towards the Palestinian issue and towards the oppression of the Palestinian people, and it will not change, regardless of the developments and the extent of the challenges.

The Yemeni armed forces called on all peoples of the nation to come out in support of Palestine and rejection of the American-Israeli aggression against Gaza.


resource : SABA