Three Lebanese martyrs from Zionist raids on town of Kafr Kila

Yemen News Agency SABA
Three Lebanese martyrs from Zionist raids on town of Kafr Kila
[01/ January/2024]

BEIRUT Jan 01. 2024 (Saba) - On Monday evening, three Lebanese citizens were killed in Zionist incursions targeting the town of Kafr Kila in southern Lebanon.

Warplanes and Zionist marches also launched raids on the towns of Naqurah, Marun al-Ras, Hula, Markaba and Adisa.

The enemy artillery targeted the towns of Hula, Tayr Harfa, Al-Jabin, Marwahin, Al-Dahirah, Aita al-Sha'b, Shaheen, Mays al-Jabal, Al-Naqurah, Al-Labbunah, the Tabisha area and the outskirts of Wadi al-Jamal.


resource : Saba