Sayyed Nasrallah: “Israel” is on the path to extinction

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sayyed Nasrallah: “Israel” is on the path to extinction
[03/ January/2024]
BEIRUT Jan 03. 2024 (Saba) - The Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, affirmed that “the axis of resistance converges on clear strategic concepts and vision. The goals are clear, the enemies are defined, where is the interest of the peoples of the region, where their interest and sovereignty lie, and in the vision of the Zionist project.”

This came in a speech by Sayyed Nasrallah during the celebration of the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis at the Sayyid al-Shuhada Complex in the southern suburb of Beirut this Wednesday evening.

Sayyed Nasrallah said: “But each resistance movement decides this position or others according to its national vision and in harmony with the strategic vision. No one orders anyone. We consult and benefit from each other’s experiences, but each party takes the decision it deems appropriate.”

He added: "The most present in the resistance axis was the martyr Hajj Qassem in all stages of the resistance's work in various arenas from Palestine to Lebanon to Iraq. He was the central figure in supporting the resistance and establishing close relations between all resistance movements from Lebanon to Palestine, Iraq and Yemen."

He continued, saying: "What we are talking about in the entire region today, Hajj Qassem Soleimani is with us, and today the Kerman martyrs remind me of a speech by Imam Khamenei, who says that the martyred Qassem scares the enemy more than the living Qassem Soleimani."

He continued, saying: "Today we see that they are pursuing him to his shrine. He is the most present despite his martyrdom in our guns, missiles, bombs, in the tears of children, in the prayers of women, in legendary patience, and in everything we see today as the fruits of the sacrifices of this great leader over many years."

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “Hajj Qassem was focusing on supporting the resistance movements, and his approach was the following: to support the resistance movements in many ways, in numbers, and in a way. One of the signs of his sincerity is that all the resistance movements reach self-sufficiency, so that after God they depend on their abilities and capabilities, their trainers, and their minds, and they will succeed.” Even regarding the assistance provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said: “For example, everything that is happening today in Gaza is the result of a minimum of 20 years of work,” indicating that “Hajj Qassem was faithful to this work, model, school, and culture, and did not enter into it any whims of the soul, but rather was dissolved in Islam, the oppressed, and the oppressed, so the path of these movements was a path of victory.”

He added: "This model has high hopes for achieving victories, and indeed it achieves victories, and this model today in the axis of resistance is a unique model in human history."

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that "in the experience of the axis of resistance, there are no slaves, there are only honorable masters who achieve victory for their nation."

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “when we see the magnitude of the results and achievements that have been achieved so far and we add to them what can be achieved later, then we will realize, and we will become more resigned and satisfied with, the magnitude of the sacrifices in all arenas.”

He pointed out that “the resistance movements have taken important steps by targeting the Zionist entity and US bases.” But the qualitative step was the challenge in the Red Sea, as it is a courageous, great and extremely influential step.”

He explained, "The most important manifestation of the axis of resistance and the most dangerous challenge has been in these past few months regarding the issue of the Al-Aqsa flood."

He stated that "the legendary steadfastness in Yemen and Syria is all the blessings of this axis, this approach, and this culture."

Sayyed Nasrallah said, "In light of the horror of what happened in Gaza, the magic turned against the magician. US opinion polls say that more than 50 percent of US youth say that the Zionist entity must be dismantled and all the land of Palestine must be returned to the Palestinian people."

resource : Saba