South African Minister of Justice: Case against “occupying entity” will put an end to its exceptionalism

Yemen News Agency SABA
South African Minister of Justice: Case against “occupying entity” will put an end to its exceptionalism
[11/ January/2024]

HAGUE Jan 11. 2024 (SABA) - The Minister of Justice and head of the team of lawyers in South Africa, Ronald Lamola, stressed on Thursday, that the case filed by South Africa against the “Zionist entity” on charges of committing genocide in Gaza will be dealt with within the rule of international law.

Lamola said in his statement to Al-Mayadeen that this issue “will be able to put an end to Israeli exceptionalism,” pointing out that “laws must be applied to everyone.”

He stressed that what happens to South Africa also falls on "Israel", as parties to the Genocide Convention, and it is "a greater duty to prevent any genocide from occurring."

Today, the first hearing began at the International Court of Justice in the case brought by South Africa against “Israel” on charges of committing genocide in Gaza.

In its 84-page case, South Africa included evidence that Israel is killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing severe psychological and physical harm, and creating living conditions “aimed at the physical annihilation of those in the Strip.”

The case refers to "Israel's failure to provide food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter and other humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip during the war," in addition to its launch of a continuous campaign of raids that forced about 1.9 million Palestinians to evacuate their homes and killed more than 23,000 people, according to health authorities in Gaza.


resource : Saba