Yemeni people’s support for Palestinians coincides with anniversary of martyr leader

Yemen News Agency SABA
Yemeni people’s support for Palestinians coincides with anniversary of martyr leader
[09/ February/2024]
SANA'A Feb 09. 2024 (Saba) -The anniversary of the martyr leader, al-Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, this year 1445 AH, coincided with the historical position of Yemen and its wise leadership in supporting the Palestinian people and their resistance.

The Yemeni position of solidarity with occupied Palestine came as an extension of the project of the martyr leader, who raised the slogan of the cry against the arrogant people from an early stage and called for jihad to liberate Al-Aqsa and victory for the Palestinian cause, as it is the central cause of the Yemeni people.

The anniversary comes today when the Yemeni people have realized the plans that lie in wait for the nation and the importance of solidarity with Palestinian people in response to warnings of the martyr leader about the danger of the plans of the nation’s enemies, especially America and Israel.

An embodiment of the correctness of action, stance, and steadfastness was the exceptional insight and Quranic vision of the martyr leader, al-Sayeed Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, with his early warning of the plans of the enemy.

The martyr leader developed solutions to confront global dangers and challenges and launched the Qur’anic enlightenment project to protect the nation from enemy conspiracies .

This is what the leader of the revolution, al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, emphasized in his speech on the anniversary of the martyr leader, that the martyr leader, al-Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi moved with the Qur’anic project to confront the American-Israeli-Jewish attack, from a Qur’anic and faith-based standpoint.

He said, "His issue that he moved with a Qur’anic project that reminded people of the Book of Allah and presented a Qur’anic vision that guides and guides the nation on how to confront the imminent threat to it following the American-Israeli and Western attack after the events of September 11, which is itself a Zionist creation."

Al-Sayeed Abdul Malik pointed out that the martyr leader moved with a Qur’anic project and practical steps, starting with the launch of a slogan of innocence from America and Israel.

After the events of September 11, 2001, the martyr leader, al-Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, launched his Qur’anic project rejecting American hegemony.

From this standpoint lies the importance and concept of the slogan, as it represents a practical step to confront the head of evil, America and Israel, as a comprehensive project to awaken the nation and correct its situation by returning to the Holy Qur’an.

The slogan “The Al-Sarkah” expresses the nation’s discontent, its protest, its failure to accept what its enemies are doing, and its failure to remain silent regarding the conspiracies targeting it.

According to the leader of the revolution, the launch of the slogan “ Al-Sarkah” accompanied by Qur’anic awareness and exposure of American and Israeli conspiracies.

Had it not been for the launch of the Qur’anic project for the martyr leader at that exceptional stage, we would not have reached the pride, dignity we have reached today.


resource : SABA