American veto in Security Council against Algerian draft resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Yemen News Agency SABA
American veto in Security Council against Algerian draft resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza
[20/ February/2024]
NEW YORK February 20. 2024 (Saba) -The United States of America once again vetoed on Tuesday, an Algerian draft resolution in the UN Security Council demanding an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian reasons in Gaza Strip.

Thirteen members of the United Nations Security Council voted in favor of the resolution, the United States was against it, while only Britain abstained from voting.

The draft resolution calls for “an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian reasons that must be respected by all parties.” It also includes a demand for the immediate release of all detainees without any preconditions.

The document called for the full implementation of Resolutions 2712 and 2720, which were adopted on October 7, 2023, regarding the “Israeli”-Palestinian conflict.

Security Council Resolution 2712, focusing on the need to protect children in armed conflict, was adopted on 15 November 2023, and Resolution 2720, with the stated objectives of increasing and monitoring the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, was adopted on 22 December 2023.

Earlier, the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said: The United States does not support voting on the Algerian project and promised that if it is put to a vote, “it will not be accepted.”

According to her, the United States is working to conclude an agreement between “Israel” and Hamas regarding the release of detainees, which requires a cessation of hostilities in Gaza for at least six weeks.

The American side believes that the draft resolution submitted by Algeria did not contribute to achieving these goals.

Yesterday, Monday, the United States presented its own draft alternative resolution. According to the text, the UN Security Council “affirms its support for reaching a temporary ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible.”

Today's veto was the third time the United States blocked a draft resolution since the start of the war in October 2023.

In particular, on December 8, 2023, it blocked an Emirati draft resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza Strip. On October 18, 2023, Washington vetoed a Brazilian draft resolution calling on “Israel,” among other things, to withdraw the order. It was issued to the residents of Gaza to move to the south of the Strip.

Then the United States explained its decision by saying that the draft resolution did not mention “Israel’s” right to self-defense.


resource : SABA