Arab Group at United Nations requests support for draft resolution to stop Gaza war

Yemen News Agency SABA
Arab Group at United Nations requests support for draft resolution to stop Gaza war
[20/ February/2024]
NEW YORK February 20. 2024 (Saba)- The Arab group at the United Nations called for support for a draft resolution submitted by Algeria for a ceasefire in Gaza, which is scheduled to be voted on in the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

The group said in a statement last night: The draft resolution will support the negotiations conducted by the United States, Egypt and Qatar, contrary to American claims.

The statement added: "The UN Security Council must take steps and not ignore the calls of the international community and global public opinion."

It pointed out that any justification would not be sufficient to explain the inaction of the UN Security Council, directing a call to all members of the Security Council to support the Algerian draft resolution calling for an urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

In its statement, the Arab Group stressed the need not to ignore the size of the threat, while the possibilities of launching a Zionist attack on Rafah are increasing.

On Sunday, Algeria announced that it had submitted a “non-amendable” draft resolution to the UN Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, to be put to a vote next Tuesday.


resource : SABA