Hezbollah says resistance in Lebanon very strong


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hezbollah says resistance in Lebanon very strong
[21/ February/2024]
BEIRUT February 21. 2024 (Saba) - Head of the Executive Council of the Lebanese Hezbollah Hashem Safi al-Din said on Wednesday that that the resistance in Lebanon is very strong.

Safi al-Din confirmed that everyone must be reassured of the strength of the resistance, stressing that the resistance has only used a small portion of its capabilities.

Al-Ahed News Agency quoted Safi al-Din in his speech during a memorial ceremony as saying that “How can the Zionist threaten the resistance in Lebanon with his planes and missiles and do what it is talking about when it fully knows that it is in a major crisis as a result of the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of settlers for displacement, whether in the north or in the south in the Gaza region.

He explained that there are 200,000 tired people and the Zionists cannot find a way to treat them, not to mention that it is fully aware that any ill-considered and uncalculated war will lead to the displacement of millions who will make its crises even more severe, wondering whether the Zionists will bear that? Today they cannot afford 200,000. Will they afford millions?

Sai al-Adin added the resistance and its people speak from a position of trust and knowledge, pointing out that any confrontation that the enemy seeks in order to wage a large and widespread war on Lebanon, the resistance will be ready, and today it is ready, and will be present in order to obtain its capabilities from any region in the Zionist entity.

It also stressed that the Zionist enemy knows this, and because it knows this, it is afraid, fearful, and weak.

He continued "We have always fought this enemy with our certainty, our reliance on our God, and our confidence in our youth, our mujahideen / fighters and our resistance, and we have always defeated it in every confrontation on the same basis that we have adopted and are adopting today."

He went on saying that the problem of the Zionist is that it does not learn, he repeats the same experience. Yes, it developed its techniques and its stock of weapons became larger, and the Americans opened the warehouses for it , and this is what changed, wondering, does this change anything in the equation on the ground? It will never change! It will give its more ability to kill and destroy.

Saif al-Din stressed that in the end, it will not change anything in the equations that have become present, whether in Palestine or Lebanon.

resource : Saba