Russian army seizes dozens of US armored vehicles in Avdievka

Yemen News Agency SABA
Russian army seizes dozens of US armored vehicles in Avdievka
[21/ February/2024]
MOSCOW February 21. 2024 (Saba) - During the combing of the city of Avdiyevka, the Russian army found dozens of usable American armored vehicles, left by Kiev forces who fled on foot to avoid bombardment.

Russia Today quoted a Russian military source in the Russian "Center" forces as saying today: "Until today, I personally counted about ten Soviet BMP-1 armored vehicles, and seven to eight American M113 armored vehicles.

They gave up a lot of their armor before they withdrew, as we would have destroyed it with them if it had moved. These seized armored vehicles will be maintained and used for the benefit of Russian forces."

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of the strategic city of Avdievka in the Republic of Donetsk last Saturday, February 17, and the removal of Kiev forces from the city of Donetsk, to prevent bombing by Zelensky's forces.

The new commander of the Ukrainian forces, Alexander Sirsky, announced at dawn last Saturday "the withdrawal of Ukrainian units from the city of Avdiyevka and the transition to defense," two days after his forces fled in front of the Russian army's advance from all axes and cut off supplies to Kiev forces.


resource : SABA