With its veto, Washington accomplice in killing children: Hamas


Yemen News Agency SABA
With its veto, Washington accomplice in killing children: Hamas
[21/ February/2024]
GAZA February 21. 2024 (Saba) -The Islamic Resistance Movement strongly condemned the US use of veto against the Algerian-led draft resolution at the UN Security Council, curbing the long-sought, humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza Strip.

To foil the resolution means to hinder international will and to serve the Zionist agenda aimed at killing the Palestinian people, Hamas said in a statement.

President Biden and his administration are directly responsible for curbing the issuance of a resolution that would cease fire in Gaza, the Movement added.

This American stance serves as green light for the occupation to commit more carnages and kill unarmed Palestinians, and as direct contribution to genocide against children and other civilians in Gaza, Hamas said.


resource : SABA