UNICEF: Sixth Gaza children faces severe malnutrition


Yemen News Agency SABA
UNICEF: Sixth Gaza children faces severe malnutrition
[21/ February/2024]
GAZA February 21. 2024 (Saba) - One out of six Palestinian children faces severe malnutrition in North Gaza, the UNICEF said in a report.

The situation is very serious, north Gaza Strip in particular, the UN Fund added, as no relief assistances have been delivered to the area over weeks.

Nutrition tests, taken in local shelter and health centers, show that sixth of under-2 children suffer severe malnutrition, the report said.
Based on the tests, about 3 percent of children in North Gaza suffer acute exiguity, putting their lives at real risk.

These children are vulnerable to health complications, or even death, if they do not receive suitable treatment immediately, the UNICEF warned, noting that "the situation is worsening."

Similar tests in Rafah indicate that 5 percent of the City's under-2 children suffer severe malnutrition, according to the report.


resource : SABA