One Palestinian martyr, several arrestees in Jenin

Yemen News Agency SABA
One Palestinian martyr, several arrestees in Jenin
[21/ February/2024]
JENIN February 21. 2024 (Saba) - Zionist troops stormed into Jenin City and Camp, leaving Aref Marwan (26), Palestinian from Kafr-Qadoom village, killed.

Large forces of the enemy army raided Jenin City and Camp from two streets, WAFA news agency reported, after a Zionist special unit sieged two homes in the Camp, triggering clashes that left three civilians injured, with one of them critically wounded.

The Israeli forces damaged the infrastructure and private properties, set fire to vehicle and destructed others in Jenin City and Camp.

The occupation army fired a missiles at the home of Mohamed Abu Jabir, and enquired tens of youths inside the Camp.

The forces also broke into a large deal of homes in the Camp and arrested eight civilians.


resource : SABA