China again issues cold wave warning

Yemen News Agency SABA
China again issues cold wave warning
[21/ February/2024]
BEIJING February 21. 2024 (Saba) - Today, the Chinese National Meteorological Center once again issued an orange alert for a cold wave, anticipating a drop in temperatures in the southern regions of the country.

The New China News Agency, Xinhua, quoted the center as saying in a statement: “The average daily temperatures, or minimum temperatures, in most parts of southern China will decrease from six to 12 degrees Celsius, and temperatures in parts of Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangxi provinces will decrease by more from 20 degrees Celsius.”

The center called on local governments to take the necessary precautions to confront the cold weather and to protect crops and aquatic products.

In China, there is a color-coded cold warning system consisting of three levels, with orange representing the most severe, followed by yellow and blue.


resource : SABA