Kanaani says US runs main arena of genocidal war on Gaza


Yemen News Agency SABA
Kanaani says US runs main arena of genocidal war on Gaza
[22/ February/2024]
TEHRAN February 22. 2024 (Saba) - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has confirmed that America is running the main arena of the genocidal war on Gaza

According to Tasnim International News Agency, Kanaani said the American action of rejecting the veto against a draft resolution submitted to the UN Security Council in order to stop the genocidal war on Gaza constituted a clear confirmation of what Iran has stressed that America is the one which running the main arena of the war.

Kanaani denounced the American veto of the UN Security Council resolution, which calls for stopping the war of ethnic cleansing practiced by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that America demonstrated to the world once again that it does not constitute part of the solution to the crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, but rather represents the essential element for the continuation of the crisis.

resource : Saba