Lebanese resistance fires first Katyusha rockets at Mtsova settlement


Yemen News Agency SABA
Lebanese resistance fires first Katyusha rockets at Mtsova settlement
[22/ February/2024]
BEIRUT February 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Lebanon-based Islamic resistance claimed responsibility for 12 military operations in the last 24 hours targeting Zionist sites in response to enemy assaults on civil homes South Lebanon.

Hezbollah latest operations targeted, for the first time, the Zionist settlement of Mtsova with Katyusha rockets, some 3 kilometers west Lebanese borders, Mayadeen said.

The resistance fired suitable guns at two Zionist positions in Afifm and Matalla settlements, leaving enemy soldiers killed or injured, and fired missiles at Rawaisat al-Alam in Shaba Farms.


resource : SABA