Hamas: Knesset vote against Palestinian State denies our people rights


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hamas: Knesset vote against Palestinian State denies our people rights
[22/ February/2024]
GAZA February 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist Knesset vote against unilateral recognition of the Palestinian State reflects the Nazi persistent approach denying the Palestinian people's rights to freedom and independence, Hamas said.

By this move, the occupation belittles the international community and UN resolutions stipulating the Palestinian people's national rights, including right to fate-decision, the Islamic Resistance Movement added in a statement carried by the Palestinian media center.

This vote puts the international community and the UN before real trial to refuse Zionist transcripts and false decisions aimed to cancel the Palestinian Cause, while persisting in genocide with support from Biden administration, the statement said.

The international community is required to take effective steps backing the Palestinian people's right to fate-decision, and to recognize their fully-sovereign State, with Quds its capital, Hamas argued.


resource : SABA