Sana'a gov't discusses measures to preserve new airport campus

Yemen News Agency SABA
Sana'a gov't discusses measures to preserve new airport campus
[22/ February/2024]
SANA'A February 22. 2024 (Saba) - Sana'a City on Thursday hosted a meeting, chaired by caretaker government deputy for defense and security, General Jalal al-Rwaishan, that discussed measures needed to preserve the campus of Sana'a new airport.

In the presence of transportation minister, Abdulwahab al-Dura, the meeting addressed controls banning any assault against the campus, so as to secure all the conditions required by ICAO.

The meeting was briefed by subcommittee on complaints filed by affected landlords, and dealt with aspects pertaining to property tittles.

The airport's campus is a strategic project of political, economic and social importance, Gen Rwaishan said, underscoring the need to maintain the estate.


resource : SABA