Hodeidah’s Farmers send aid convoy to fighters stationed at frontlines


Yemen News Agency SABA
Hodeidah’s Farmers send aid convoy to fighters stationed at frontlines
[22/ February/2024]

HODEIDA Feb 22. 2024 (Saba) - Farmers of Al-Tuhaita District in Hodeida province marched on Thursday a vegetable convoy worth seven million riyals for those stationed on the fronts of the championship and the defense of the homeland.

In the conduct of the convoy, Deputy Governor Mohammed Halissi stressed that the Yemeni people crown their steadfastness by continuing to support the fronts of pride and dignity within the framework of the project of defending land, honor and national sovereignty and realizing the responsibility entrusted to everyone in achieving victory.

For his part, the commander of the Ninth Brigade of the Coast Protectors, Abdullah Al-Atifi, praised the role of the farmers of Al-Tuhayta district in presenting this convoy, which embodies the spirit of giving and giving in the face of the nation's enemies.

In turn, vegetable farmers in Al-Tuhayta district confirmed that this convoy is not the first and will not be the last, and will be followed by many convoys of periods and victory to enhance the Yemeni people's rally towards the wise leadership, the army and the armed forces.


resource : Saba