Marib Governor announces initiative to unilaterally open Sana'a-Sirwah-Marib road

Yemen News Agency SABA
Marib Governor announces initiative to unilaterally open Sana'a-Sirwah-Marib road
[22/ February/2024]

SANA'A February 22. 2024 (Saba) - The Governor of Marib, Ali Muhammad Tuaiman, announced a unilateral initiative to open the Sana'a-Sarawah-Marib road.

Governor Tuaiman explained, in a press statement, from the main road in Sirwah district, leading to the city of Marib, that the initiative comes as a goodwill from the leadership of the local authority in the governorate, and a first phase that will be followed by stages to open the rest of the roads, with the aim of alleviating the suffering of citizens, as a result of the interruption of roads, which was the main cause of their closure and exacerbating the suffering of travelers forces of aggression and their mercenaries.

He pointed out that the leadership of the revolution and the Supreme Political Council presented many initiatives to open roads and normalize the situation in the province, including the initiative of the leader of the revolution regarding the situation in Marib, but these initiatives were rejected by the aggression coalition and its mercenaries.

Governor Taiman stressed openness to any serious initiatives to open roads in the province. He pointed out that the forces of aggression launch statements for media consumption, and do not have the independent decision to open roads, but receive their directives from the Saudi ambassador.


resource : Saba