Palestinian resistance source: no progress in negotiations so far

Yemen News Agency SABA
Palestinian resistance source: no progress in negotiations so far
[22/ February/2024]

GAZA February 22. 2024 (Saba) - A source in the leadership of the Palestinian resistance revealed today to Al-Mayadeen TV, that "everything rumored about progress in the negotiations is not true, but things are still stagnating, and there has been no real breakthrough in any of the files."

The source explained that "Israel still insists on its conditions, and on rejecting the conditions of Hamas, which it considers impossible conditions."

The source also said that "Hamas, during its meeting with the Egyptian delegation, showed great flexibility to reach a formula leading to an agreement, and provided solutions to sensitive issues such as the ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced and the release of prisoners."

He added that "Hamas complained that the Zionist side has not yet shown any seriousness in dealing with the course of negotiations, and is evading negotiations under the pretext that the ceiling of Hamas' demands is too exaggerated, and has not given any clear position regarding a permanent ceasefire or a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip."

"There are two reasons for Zionist intransigence. The first is the deep internal disagreement, which does not allow any side to compromise or show flexibility, and the other reason is its belief that it can lower Hamas's expectations through sustained military pressure on it."

The source pointed out that "Egypt and Qatar are working in harmony and high understanding, and there is an American response to the orientations of these two countries to make real progress in the negotiations."

Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz said yesterday evening that there were preliminary indications that enhance the possibility of progress in the course of negotiations to reach a new exchange deal.


resource : Saba