Reviewing fishermen conditions in Al-Lahiya & Kamran in Al-Hodeida

Yemen News Agency SABA
Reviewing fishermen conditions in Al-Lahiya & Kamran in Al-Hodeida
[23/ February/2024]
HODEIDA February 23. 2024 (Saba) - The head of the General Authority for Marine Sciences Research, Maher Al-Sayed, inspected the site designated for the establishment of the fish landing port in Al-Lahiya, Hodeida province.

The head of the authority, along with a team of faculty members and researchers from the College of Marine and Environmental Sciences at Hodeida University, reviewed the marine surveys and environmental study of the site.

Al-Sayyed expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by fishermen in serving the fish sector, stressing the importance of strengthening cooperation between the concerned authorities to support fishermen , develop production and fish wealth in the region.

He pointed to the Authority’s efforts aimed at studying the results of the marine survey and the environmental study to take the necessary decisions to build the fish landing port in Al-Lahiyah city.

The fishermen expressed their gratitude for this visit by the authority’s leadership, to touch upon their issues, improve their conditions, develop fishing and the fishermen's conditions in the region.

In a related context, the head of the Research and Marine Sciences Authority visited Makram village on Kamaran Island in Hodeida.

Al-Sayyed, in the presence of the head of Tihama Coast Association branch on Kamaran Island, Othman Al-Sibai, the head of the fishermen in Hodeida, Abdullah Al-Hanash, and a number of stakeholders in Fisheries Ministry and the Red Sea Fisheries Authority, discussed the possibility of establishing a sea break and a landing center in the village.

The Head of the Authority confirmed that the aim of the visit is to assess the needs of fishermen and the fish sector, within the plan implemented by Fisheries Ministry to develop value chains for fish, improve the living conditions of fishermen, and achieve sustainable development and self-sufficiency.

He pointed out the importance of focusing on preserving fish wealth and fish stocks, reducing indiscriminate overfishing, preserving the marine environment, and exploiting marine resources.


resource : SABA