Two marches & mass demonstrations under the slogan “Our path with Gaza...forward until victory” in Al-Dhale'

Yemen News Agency SABA
Two marches & mass demonstrations under the slogan “Our path with Gaza...forward until victory” in Al-Dhale'
[23/ February/2024]
DHALE' February 23. 2024 (Saba) - Two massive marches and mass demonstrations took place in Al-Dhale' province under the slogan “Our path is with Gaza...forward until victory.”

Damt District witnessed a massive march led by the Acting Governor of Al-Dhale', Abdul Latif Al-Shaghdari, the Assistant Commander of the Fourth Military Region, Saleh Hajib, and the province’s General Mobilization Officer, Ahmed Al-Marani, in which the participants raised the Palestinian flag, and chants of innocence from America and Israel.

The people of Al-Dhale' also affirmed the continuation of supporting Al-Aqsa according to a fixed and established path, based on their faith identity.

In Qaataba District, a massive march was held, in which participants denounced the continued brutal crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied territories , the siege and starvation it is carrying out of the Palestinians.

They stressed that the American-British aggression against Yemen will not discourage the Yemeni people or change its course and position in support of the people and the Palestinian resistance until victory is achieved.

In addition, the districts of Juban and Al-Hasha witnessed mass demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and in support of the decisions of the revolution leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in dealing with options for supporting and championing the Palestinians and their valiant resistance.

They praised the positions of the Revolution Leader and the Armed Forces towards supporting the Palestinian resistance, denouncing the failure of most Arab regimes to support the Palestinian cause. They considered the Yemeni position in support of Gaza to be an embodiment of the identity of faith , the religious and moral duty to support the central cause of the nation.

A statement issued by the two marches and vigils affirmed the continuation of popular and mass activities in squares, the steadfastness of the Yemeni people with Palestine, and their support for the operations of the Yemeni armed forces on land and at sea.

It blessed the historic decision ratified by the Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, the president Mahdi Al-Mashat, to consider America and Britain two countries hostile to the Republic of Yemen.

The statement reaffirmed the mobilization to training , rehabilitation camps, and the continuation of mobilization operations to participate in the battle of the “promised conquest and holy jihad,” in the face of the tyranny of the Jewish Zionist lobby.

It denounced the state of Arab and Islamic disappointment on the part of the peoples entrusted with the responsibility to take action and warned them of the shame and disgrace of silence and indifference that would befall them, and the punishment of remaining silent about the failure of some regimes and rulers.

The statement of the march and stops called for the opening of safe land corridors for the Yemeni people and the free people of the Arab and Islamic nation to reach Palestine to participate directly in the battle with the Zionist enemy, stressing that the real danger in the Red and Arab seas is represented by the American, Israeli and British military presence.

It called on the Arab and Islamic peoples and the free people of the world to take strong and effective action in boycotting American , Israeli goods , products and the companies that support them.


resource : SABA