In qualitative accomplishment, new homes for affected families built in Bajil

Yemen News Agency SABA
In qualitative accomplishment, new homes for affected families built in Bajil
[23/ February/2024]

HODEIDA February 23. 2024 (Saba) - The project of building housing units for a segment of the poorest families in Bajil district in Hodeida province embodied the true meaning of humanitarian achievement and a qualitative gesture, to end the suffering of some of those affected by the torrential rains, and stranded in the lives of tents and nests unfit for human habitation.

The victory of the humanitarian aspect of the pain of these families, represented a glimmer of hope for those waiting for their turn from the poor of Bajil district, especially in light of the repercussions of the economic crisis imposed by the aggression and blockade on the country, which constituted an obstacle for the state to help such cases and find effective solutions by adopting social projects to house the affected poor families.

Between dream, reality and the journey of suffering, 105 families with a strength of one thousand and 235 people from destitute and poor families, who do not find anything to feed their members, part of the hardships of the harsh life and the risks of death in unsafe housing, due to their inability to rent houses for housing due to difficult financial conditions or the absence of a head of family to support their livelihood, as well as the absence of a source of income.

The bitter reality of the tragedy of these affected families and the thorny difficulties they suffer in dilapidated tents and nests threatened with ignition, prompted the efforts of the local authority in the governorate, Bajil district, the branch of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in Hodeidah, and the United Humanitarian Foundation through the Haidara Foundation for Peace and Development, to implement a number of steps to study the feasibility of a project to build free housing for those affected.

In the first steps to address the problem, the Haidara Foundation team, funded by the United Humanitarian Foundation, began a field visit to study the conditions of the most affected segment in Bajil, especially those who lost their tents and nest housing in which they live due to torrential rains, and to meet with the leadership of the local authority in the district and the Humanitarian Affairs Branch, and the perceptions of the need to provide plots of land in suitable locations to build independent housing units for the beneficiaries were settled.

After preparing the technical studies and designs, the efforts culminated in the inauguration of the first phase of the housing units project, and the start of a step forward represented by the construction of five housing units for the affected people in the Jabal Al-Sharif area, followed by the implementation of the second phase by building 25 housing units in the same area, and up to the third phase in Al-Noor City by building 75 housing units.

On this project, and the implications of its implementation in light of the difficulties of the stage the country is going through, the Governor of Hodeidah praised the project and the efforts to implement and finance it to secure housing for a number of flood-affected families living below the poverty line, in places that lack the most basic elements of safety and protection.

He pointed to the suffering of many of these families in Hodeidah governorate, due to their lack of housing and the lack of material means to rent houses, as they are among the destitute and poorest families, indicating that the exceptional situation of the country does not allow the government to adopt support for such projects that did not receive attention from previous governments before the aggression on the country.

He pointed to the efforts made by the local authority in the province in coordination with the branch of the Humanitarian Affairs Council to search for sustainable treatments that alleviate the suffering of thousands of children, women and the elderly without homes and resort to tents, nests and temporary and non-independent housing and exposed to many risks in the event of any emergency.

The Governor of Hodeidah considered the project of the Humanitarian and Haidara Foundations, to build housing for the affected poor in Bajil, in its three phases, as a result of the humanitarian duty and the extent of keenness to bring joy and pleasure to the hearts of these families, who did not expect to own new homes that provide the elements of security and safety to protect their members from the heat of the sun and torrential rains.

The coordination side had an active presence in order for this project to see the light, as the director of the Supreme Council branch in Hodeidah, Jaber Al-Razehi, considered the project to build these housing units in Bajil district, the true picture of humanitarian work, which should be directed by the organizations' interventions towards supporting such projects that touch the actual needs of the poor groups and the extent of deprivation of the most basic necessities of life, most notably safe and sound shelter.

Al-Razehi explained that the vision and policy of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs stems from the humanitarian goal to motivate donors, implementing organizations and all humanitarian partners, towards supporting sustainable development projects, which represent the most prominent priorities of the Council to fill the gaps in the basic needs of food, shelter, health, water and education.

He pointed out that the delivery of housing units to the target groups of the third phase in Bajil district, coincides with the efforts and humanitarian work that have been implemented for projects to build and restore housing units for those affected by the aggression in the districts of Al-Hawk, Al-Hali and Al-Durayhimi.

Al-Razehi pointed to the role played by the branch of the Council in the level of follow-up, coordination and overcoming difficulties in front of humanitarian partners, to work according to correct rules that achieve the actual impact of the implementation of humanitarian projects and interventions, embodying the vision of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council and the government.

The local authority in Bajil district also contributed to the success of the project and overcoming its implementation, as the director of the directorate praised the joint efforts that culminated in the completion of the construction of housing units for a number of families affected by the torrential rains and the risks of lack of safe housing, stressing that the local authority in the district is counting on more of these projects to alleviate the suffering of many poor families who do not own homes.

Al-Rifai considered the project of building housing units for a segment of the poor of Bajil district after long years of deprivation and the hardship of fragile tents and nests, the real achievement that crowns the success of the optimal goal of sustainable humanitarian work goals for such groups in society.

With regard to the details of this gesture and the humanitarian initiative, the President of the Haidara Foundation for Peace and Development, Suhair Al-Moaidhi, explained that this project, although it represented a great challenge for the Foundation, but the determination and the reality of the suffering of a number of affected poor people in Bajil district, constituted a great incentive to work to achieve and successfully implement the project.

It stated that the Foundation harnessed all its efforts with all its cadres for the sake of this project in planning and implementation, indicating that the first phase began with the construction of five housing units in the Jabal Al-Sharif area for 35 people at a cost of $ 16,000, followed by the implementation of the second phase in the same area by building 25 housing units for an average of 200 people benefiting at a cost of $ 124,000, and then the implementation of the third phase by building 75 units in the city of light at a cost of $ 435,000.

Al-Moaidhi stated that the completion of the first and second phases of this project represented a new incentive for the Foundation to launch the same humanitarian endeavor and implement the third phase in the city of Al Noor for an average of one thousand families benefiting from the housing project, pointing out that the cost of the three phases amounted to $ 475,000.

She touched on the importance of the project lies in the construction of houses armed with concrete materials for the poor affected by floods and rains due to the ineligibility of many tents and nests that the residents of the region resorted to building randomly and are not worthy of human status and human housing, and the lack of a healthy environment for them as a result of extreme poverty and extreme need and destitution.

On the area of the project, the President of the Haidara Foundation indicated that the construction of these houses was implemented after an extensive study of the project in terms of the area estimated at more than eight thousand and 800 square meters for the third phase, three thousand meters for the second phase, and 500 meters for the first phase.

She also stated that the plan to build these houses was carried out according to designs that took into account that each house is independent of the other and separated by a sufficient distance to preserve the privacy of the beneficiaries, praising the initiative of the donor of the plot of land for the third phase and the efforts of the contractor implementing the project.

Regarding building standards and housing components, the head of the Haidara Foundation indicated that the studies on these units focused on the specificity of building houses that meet the family's need for a habitable environment without fear of heavy rain or sun, and to preserve the independence of each family. Indicating that each unit consists of two rooms, yard, kitchen and bathroom, equipped with plumbing materials.

She appreciated the cooperation and interest of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs and its branch in Hodeidah Governorate, as well as the cooperation and role of the leadership of the local authority in Hodeidah Governorate and Bajil District, in supporting the Foundation and overcoming its tasks to complete the project of building 105 housing units in the areas of Jabal Al-Sharif and Al-Noor in accordance with the program and plan of the Foundation through its three phases.

Emphasizing the continuity of humanitarian activity and touching the conditions of groups that suffer from the bitterness of living and the extent of their need for assistance, Al-Moaidhi indicated that the Haidara Foundation and the United Humanitarian Foundation will continue humanitarian work in the implementation of construction projects in addition to their other activities in the strategic plans for the years 2024 and 2025.


resource : Saba