With continuation of aggression against Gaza ....Zionist economy collapsing


Yemen News Agency SABA
With continuation of aggression against Gaza ....Zionist economy collapsing
[25/ February/2024]

SANA'A February 25. 2024 (Saba) -More than four months after the Zionist-American aggression on the Gaza Strip, official data confirm that the Zionist economy collapsing and continues to bleed sharply, in conjunction with the enemy incurring heavy losses at all political, economic, legal and social levels, which may prevent it from continuing its brutal aggression for a longer period.

In this context, official data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics in the interim entity on Monday indicated that, in light of the ongoing war on Gaza, a major contraction occurred in the Zionist economy.

The department's initial estimate stated that Israel's economy contracted by 19.4 percent on an annual basis in the last quarter of last year, compared to the previous quarter, as a result of the war on the Gaza Strip.

The estimate indicated that for the entire year 2023, the economy grew by only two percent, compared to 6.5 percent in 2022.

Personal consumption also declined by 27 percent, while government consumption rose by 88 percent, investments decreased by 70 percent, and imports declined by 42 percent.

These data come ten days after Moody's announced that it had reduced the credit rating of the five largest banks in the usurping entity from level (A1) to level (A2).

This agency reduces the credit rating of the usurping entity every week in conjunction with the continuation of its barbaric aggression against Gaza, and amid warnings that the escalation of the conflict with Hezbollah increases the possibility of a major negative impact on the Zionist economy.

The Zionist enemy media described this decline as “another blow to the wing of the Zionist economy,” stressing that the dimensions of the economic failure began to become clear after the security failure.

With the increasing financial costs of the brutal aggression against Gaza, the Bloomberg Economic Agency published a report in which it confirmed that the Zionist enemy entity is heading towards one of the largest budget deficits in this century.

The report stated that “borrowing has reached near-record levels, with the Zionist budget under pressure, as government revenues have declined sharply since the outbreak of the war on Gaza, and spending will rise by the equivalent of $19 billion this year.”

An official Zionist report, issued last week, shed light on more aspects of the direct and significant impact of Yemeni naval operations on the Zionist enemy’s economy.

The report revealed that the blockade imposed by Yemen on the enemy entity caused damage to a quarter of this entity’s imports of final goods, and 21 percent of imports of production materials, and endangered Zionist trade with a large number of countries in the East.

The report indicated that the situation in the Red Sea will have long-term effects and that the Zionist enemy needs to make radical changes in its supply chain policy.

According to a report published by the Zionist website (Port- to- Port), which specializes in transportation affairs, the so-called Zionist Ministry of Economy and Industry issued a review this week regarding the economic situation of the occupying entity in light of ongoing war.

The report explained that the ministry "focused primarily in its review on the transportation crisis in the Red Sea and urged planning to increase the flexibility of the Zionist economy with regard to supply chains."

The report said: The ministry estimated that “about 16 percent of the occupying entity’s total imports and about three percent of its total exports are facing problems in maritime transportation.”

The report explained that “the interruption of the shipping route in the Red Sea affects the Zionist economy in trade with Asia and Oceania (a geographical region that includes Australia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia).

Bloomberg reported that the Monetary Policy Committee of the Zionist Central Bank kept the key interest rate at 4.75 percent for the third meeting in a row, which in line with the expectations of most analysts.

As the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Pierre-Olivier Gourincha, said: “Since the economy revolves around politics, both positively and negatively, the recent Gaza war its repercussions on the Zionist economy, the Palestinian economy, the surrounding economies, and the international economy.

It is noteworthy that the Zionist Central Bank lowered its expectations for economic growth during the year 2024, assuming that the war would not last longer and have an impact more than it is now. It also allocated $30 billion to support the shekel, the Zionist currency.

The Zionist entity entered the war with a cash reserve of 200 billion dollars, and it is now vulnerable to bleeding, as the occupying entity’s domestic product has decreased by 15 percent, which is the highest percentage in the history of the usurping entity.

Historically, it is noteworthy that the Zionist economy entered a period of severe austerity between 1949 and 1959, and it shrank by 1.4 percent in 1967.

In 1984, inflation in the Zionist entity reached 450 percent, and 1000 percent by the end of 1985. Then the economy of the Zionist entity returned to cohesion and growth with the economic reform plan, establishing a major breakthrough at the beginning of the nineties, overcoming the effects of the Stone Intifada in 1987.

As for the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, it severely affected the Zionist economy, especially since it came after the bursting of the bubble of emerging Internet companies (dot.com), and growth rates in gross domestic product reached negative 5.4 percent in 2000, negative 15.4 percent in 2001, and negative 9.4. 100 in 2002, according to a study published in the Econometric Institute magazine in September 2007.

The Zionist economy also suffered a setback during the international financial crisis between 2008, and then during the Covid-19 crisis in 2020, like most Western economies and those within its orbit, and it returned to recovery strongly in both cases, until the “judicial reform” crisis arose, whose economic impact documented in The context of the article: “A major media campaign accuses the resistance of trading in the shares of Zionist entity companies.”

Until the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle came and sank the Zionist entity militarily, politically and economically, while the Zionist economy was collapsing from the impact of “judicial reform” and the political division that accompanied it, in which technology and information companies stood against the Netanyahu government and its political project.

It is worth noting that the Zionist enemy entity will not end immediately as a result of these losses, and the West will rush to save it, but it will receive very painful economic blows that will bring it closer to its end.


resource : SABA