Free household gas cylinders to families of martyrs, missing people in Raymah launched

Yemen News Agency SABA
Free household gas cylinders to families of martyrs, missing people in Raymah launched
[27/ February/2024]
RAYMAH February 27. 2024 (Saba) - Raymah province undersecretaries Mohammad Murad and Hafedh al-Wahidi have inaugurated a initiative the distribution of free gas cylinders to the families of martyrs and missing people to 484 families.

The initiative aims to distribute filled gas cylinders free of charge to the families of martyrs and missing people in all districts of the province in implementation of the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council.

Murad and al-Wahidi praised the role of the Martyrs Foundation and the Yemeni Gas Company and their efforts in distributing gas to these families to alleviate their suffering in light of the current stage.


resource : Saba