Damascus: Washington belittle intel community by preventing Zionist aggression against Gaza, Syria from stopping


Yemen News Agency SABA
Damascus: Washington belittle intel community by preventing Zionist aggression against Gaza, Syria from stopping
[28/ February/2024]
NEW YORK February 28. 2024 (Saba) - Syria's Permanent Representative to the United Nations ambassador Qusay al-Dahhak has confirmed that the United States continues to underestimate the will of the member states of the international organization by preventing the Security Council from carrying out its responsibilities in maintaining peace and security and stopping the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people and its attacks on Syrian lands.

Al-Dahhak said in a statement in a Security Council session on political and humanitarian affairs in Syria, for the 144th day, the entire world is witnessing the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed by the Zionist enemy against the Palestinian people, while the Security Council stands helpless and paralyzed in the establishment of one state. It is the United States by preventing it from carrying out its responsibilities in maintaining peace and security in our region, and by using its veto four times to prevent condemnation of Israel’s aggressive actions and to prevent them from stopping, in blatant disregard for the will of the member states of the Council in particular and of the United Nations in general.

Al-Dahhak pointed out that in a malicious effort to expand and escalate tensions in the region, the Zionist enemy continues its attacks on Syrian territory, targeting residential buildings and the homes of safe civilians, the most recent of which was the air aggression that targeted a residential building in Kafr Sousa neighborhood in Damascus last Wednesday, and killing and injuring a number of people and causing material damage to private property.

resource : Saba