European Parliamentarian says NATO is war machine and terrorist organization soaked in blood

Yemen News Agency SABA
European Parliamentarian says NATO is war machine and terrorist organization soaked in blood
[28/ February/2024]
DUBLIN February 28. 2024 (Saba) - Irish Member of the European Parliament Mick Wallace has criticized the statements of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg regarding Ukraine's accession to NATO, describing the alliance as a "terrorist organization."

“NATO is a war machine and a terrorist organization soaked in blood,” Wallace wrote on “X” platform.

Wallace stressed that the European Union should not have any relationship with NATO, but rather should work for peace and avoid wars.

Wallace's comment came in response to Stoltenberg's statements in which he said: NATO is working to strengthen its relations with Ukraine in various ways, stressing that its joining the alliance is a matter of time and no more.

At the end of September 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the submission of an application for Ukraine to join NATO on an accelerated basis.

The group's countries agreed to a multi-year package of support for Ukraine during a summit held in Lithuania this year, consisting of three points: an assistance plan to bring the Ukrainian army into alignment with NATO standards, the establishment of a Ukraine-NATO Council, and the establishment of a joint Ukraine-NATO Council.

In recent years, Russia has announced unprecedented NATO activity on its western borders, and the alliance is expanding its initiatives, calling them “containing Russian aggression.”

Moscow has repeatedly expressed its concern about the buildup of NATO forces in Europe, and the Kremlin indicated that the Russian Federation does not threaten anyone, but it will not ignore measures that may pose a threat to its interests.

resource : Saba