Customs, Traffic discuss mechanism for demarcating, numbering motorcycles

Yemen News Agency SABA
Customs, Traffic discuss mechanism for demarcating, numbering motorcycles
[28/ February/2024]
SANA'A February 28. 2024 (Saba) - A meeting held in Sanaa, which included the Head of the Customs Authority, Eng. Adel Ahmed Margham and Dir. Gen. of the Traffic Police, Brig. Gen. Bakil al-Barashi, have discussed a number of topics of common interest, most notably the executive work mechanisms for demarcating and numbering motorcycles.

The meeting touched on topics related to vehicle registration procedures and working to resolve any problems as soon as possible, as well as developing mechanisms and procedures for the benefit of the citizen and preserving the security and safety of the nation.

Attendees indicated that the demarcation and numbering campaign to be implemented soon comes as a translation of the directives of the Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs - Minister of Finance, Rashid Abboud Abu Lahoum, which stipulates the demarcation of motorcycles and facilitating procedures for citizens in order to save time.

They also approved the formation of a working group to develop the appropriate mechanism for approving it and starting work on it.

Margham stressed the importance of developing and strengthening relations and cooperation between the Authority and the General Administration of Traffic Police, as the work between them is complementary with regard to vehicles and finding mechanisms and treatments for unregistered cars and bicycles.

For his part, al-Barashi hailed the level of development witnessed by customs systems and the speed of response of those concerned in customs to solve and address problems.

resource : Saba