Iravani says Zionist attacks against Syria flagrant violation of international law

Yemen News Agency SABA
Iravani says Zionist attacks against Syria flagrant violation of international law
[28/ February/2024]
NEW YORK February 28. 2024 (Saba) - Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Amir Saeid Iravani considered that terrorism and the occupation of parts of Syrian territory hinder the process of achieving complete stability in the country, in addition to the ongoing Zionist attacks on its lands, in flagrant violation of international law.

Iravani said at the Security Council meeting regarding the situation in Syria, according to what was reported by the Syrian SANA agency the repeated Zionist attacks against Syria lead to the complexity of the situation there, stopping humanitarian activities and disrupting the arrival of humanitarian aid, reiterating Iran’s condemnation of the Israeli entity committing this blatant violation of international laws. .

Iravani's ambassador to the United Nations stressed that all foreign forces illegally present in Syria must leave the country without any preconditions or delay, reiterating his country's position calling for finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria that respects the sovereignty, integrity and territorial integrity of Syria.

Iravani pointed out that Western unilateral measures exacerbated the humanitarian suffering of the Syrian people, calling for an increase in the flow of humanitarian aid to Syria, reiterating Iran’s condemnation of stealing the natural resources of the Syrian people in the areas occupied by American forces.

resource : Saba