South Korea reveals sending weapons to Russia

Yemen News Agency SABA
South Korea reveals sending weapons to Russia
[28/ February/2024]
SEOUL February 28. 2024 (Saba) - South Korea's Defense Ministry revealed today that its northern neighbor has sent about 6,700 containers carrying millions of ammunition to Russia since last September to support it in the ongoing war in Ukraine.

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said in remarks that the containers are enough to hold about 3 million 152mm rounds or 500,000 122mm artillery shells, noting that North Korea's ammunition factories are operating at full capacity to supply Russia with weapons.

North Korea "apparently receives food and other necessities, as well as raw materials and parts used in weapons and satellite technology," he said. Last November, South Korea put its first spy satellite into orbit and pledged to launch three more this year.


resource : SABA