Military Committee & local authority in Taiz open number of roads in provinces

Yemen News Agency SABA
Military Committee & local authority in Taiz open number of roads in provinces
[28/ February/2024]
TAIZ February 28.2024 (Saba) - The National Military Committee and the local authority in Taiz province inaugurated the opening of a number of roads linking the province’s areas with the rest of the other areas under the control of the aggression forces and mercenaries.

Where the Acting Governor of Taiz, Ahmed Amin Al-Masawa, and the Deputy Heaf of the National Military Committee, Brigadier General Hussein Hashem, in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yemeni News Agency Saba - Editor-in-Chief Nasr Al-Din Amer, opened the 50-60 road, as well as Haifan - Tur Al-Baha asphalt road, which connects Taiz to the other south provinces .

Deputy Chairman of the National Military Committee, Brigadier General Hashem, confirmed that 50-60 and Haifan-Tur Al-Baha roads have become passable and safe through the efforts of the security and military units, in a way that alleviates the suffering of citizens and travelers.

He pointed out that opening the roads comes as a translation of the directives and initiative of the Revolution Leader, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi al-Mashat, Head of the Supreme Political Council, and their keenness, since the beginning of the aggression until today, to open the roads and facilitate movement and traffic routes between the regions, in a way that guarantees the safety and security of citizens.


resource : SABA