Security source reveals some details of pre-emptive operation against takfiri elements in Al-Khashaa area in Al-Bayda

Yemen News Agency SABA
Security source reveals some details of pre-emptive operation against takfiri elements in Al-Khashaa area in Al-Bayda
[28/ February/2024]

Al-BAYDA February 28. 2024 (Saba) - A security source revealed some details related to the pre-emptive operation carried out by the security services with the support of the heroes of the armed forces against the takfiri elements belonging to the so-called ISIS organization and located in the Al-Khashaa area, located in Hanakat Al Masoud in the Quraishiyah district, Al-Bayda governorate.

The source explained to Saba that through the continuous efforts made by the security services in following up the activity of takfiri groups associated with US intelligence, it was found that there was activity of takfiri elements in the Al-Khashaa area, where these elements deliberately carried out a number of criminal operations, most notably the assassination of the martyr Muhammad Abdullah Al-Ruba Al-Masoudi, one of the notables of the region, as a result of his national positions, who was assassinated on Wednesday: 16/12/1444 AH corresponding to: 04/07/2023 AD by two members of the takfiri groups who were killed: Al-Takfiri / Osama Saleh Dhaifallah, and Al-Takfiri / Saleh Muhammad Ali Al-Adwar, While resisting the security campaign tasked with arresting them after the assassination and other crimes.

He pointed out that the pre-emptive security operation carried out by the security services and with the support of the heroes of the armed forces against the takfiri elements was preceded by an intelligence effort and vigorous follow-up, as the siege was closed on the site where the takfiri elements were holed up in the Al-Khashaa area from all directions at dawn on Tuesday, 10 Shaaban 1445 AH corresponding to February 20, 2024 AD, so that clashes began with those elements after they refused to obey and surrender themselves to the security services.

The source confirmed that thanks to God and His success, the area was cleared of takfiri elements and eliminated (7) of the most dangerous elements of the so-called Takfiri ISIS, who were present at the scene of the operation and resisted the members of the security campaign, namely: Al-Takfiri / Hazem Ateeq Muhammad Saleh, Al-Takfiri / Nasser Muhammad Nasser Muhammad Al-Darma, Al-Takfiri / Abdo Muhammad Abdo Alwan, Al-Takfiri / Muhammad Khaled Al-Manzoa, Al-Takfiri / Muhammad Ahmed Muhammad Al-Samuma, Al-Takfiri / Ali Saleh Ali Saleh Al-Muti, and Al-Takfiri / Alawi Muhammad Husein.

After clearing the area of takfiri elements, security services found a number of explosive belts, in addition to important documents, including those related to the perpetrators of the assassination of the region's sacred, the martyr Mohammed Abdullah al-Rabaa, he said.

The source expressed thanks and appreciation for the honorable national positions of the notables and the people of the Hanakat Al Masoud area for their efforts in supporting the security services, which helped to quickly eliminate these takfiri elements before carrying out their criminal operations, and thwarting the plans of the intelligence of the American and British enemy aimed at blowing up the situation in the free zones, disturbing public tranquility and destabilizing the security and stability of the citizen.

The source assured the great Yemeni people that the security services will spare no effort in following up and controlling anyone who is tempted to harm the security and safety of the citizen and will work hard with God's help and success not to remain a foothold for takfiri groups in the country of faith and wisdom and the return of their takfiri activity again in the free zones.

The source urged citizens to carry out their responsibility in maintaining security and stability by interacting and communicating with the security services and reporting any suspicious movements.


resource : Saba