Supreme Committee for Support of Al-Aqsa approves its field visit plan

Yemen News Agency SABA
Supreme Committee for Support of Al-Aqsa approves its field visit plan
[28/ February/2024]

SANA'A February 28. 2024 (Saba) - The Higher Committee for the Support of Al-Aqsa and the Palestinian Cause, in its meeting on Wednesday, headed by the Advisor to the President of the Supreme Political Council, the scholar Muhammad Muftah, approved the plan for its field visit to the governorates during the next week.

The plan aims to strengthen the efforts exerted by the governors of the governorates (heads of the sub-committees of the Supreme Committee) in the mobilization and mobilization aspects in support of our oppressed Palestinian brothers in the besieged Gaza Strip, and to monitor the progress of the sub-programs in this aspect, including those related to the boycott campaign against Israeli and American goods and companies supporting the Israeli entity.

The Supreme Committee has designated Al-Sabeen Square in Sana'a as a place to hold the major weekly mass march next Friday afternoon, in solidarity with our brothers in Gaza and Palestine, which will be held in conjunction with the mass mass marches in the governorates.

The committee condemned the ongoing US-British aggression on Yemen and its criminal raids that targeted a number of governorates.

It stressed that this blatant aggression will always be met with continuous escalation by the Yemeni armed forces and their naval forces, by striking more American and British ships in the Red Sea, the Arab Sea and Bab al-Mandab. It reiterated its condemnation of the continuous massacres committed by the criminal military machine of the Israeli enemy, the latest of which was the perpetration of eight massacres yesterday against Palestinian families that killed 26 martyrs and wounded 110.


resource : Saba