Discussing annual plan of Agricultural & Fish Production Promotion Fund


Yemen News Agency SABA
Discussing annual plan of Agricultural & Fish Production Promotion Fund
[28/ February/2024]
SANA'A February 28.2024 (Saba) - Agriculture and Irrigation Minister of in the caretaker government, Eng. Abdul-Malik Al-Thawr, the Board of Directors of the Fund for the Promotion of Agricultural and Fish Production discussed today,Wednesday, the annual plan and estimated budget of the Fund for the fiscal year 2024 AD.

The meeting, in the presence of the Caretaker Minister of Water and Environment, Engineer Abdul Raqeeb Al-Sharmani, reviewed the Fund’s achievement report for the second half of the year 2023, in addition to an evaluation report on the difficulties facing the Fund’s activities , tasks and ways to address them.

He also reviewed the report of the fund's assets inventory committee, and approved a set of procedures in light of the proposals of board members.

At the meeting, the Executive Director of the Fund, Engineer Abdul Wahab Al-Ashwal, gave a presentation on the strategic vision for the institutional building of the Fund.

The meeting stressed the importance of strengthening the role of the Fund to expand its activities in serving , supporting agricultural and fisheries projects, as it is one of the important funds related to the areas of food security.


resource : SABA