Conducting 277 operations in Eyes camp in Hodeida

Yemen News Agency SABA
Conducting 277 operations in Eyes camp in Hodeida
[29/ February/2024]
HODEIDA February 29. 2024 (Saba) - 277 surgical operations were performed during the 59th free ophthalmology camp organized by the Health Care Association for affected communities in Al-Duha district in Al-Hodeida province.

The head of the association, Dr. Nashwan Al-Attab, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the operations were distributed among 218 cataracts, 47 conjunctival pterygium removal operations, and 12 cyst and mole removal operations, in coordination with PublicHealth and Population Ministry and with the support and funding of the General Authority for Zakat.

He stated that the number of beneficiaries of the inspections in the camp, which lasted for six days in cooperation with the province’s public health office and Al-Dhuha Hospital, was 935 cases from poor families.

Dr. Al-Attab pointed out that the camp comes within the framework of promoting social solidarity and charity for the poorest and neediest groups... praising the effective humanitarian role of the Zakat Authority and its support for the medical camp.


resource : SABA