An Arab misinformation campaign to relieve pressure on the Zionist enemy

Yemen News Agency SABA
An Arab misinformation campaign to relieve pressure on the Zionist enemy
[29/ February/2024]
GAZA February 29. 2024 (Saba) - The correspondent of the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) in Gaza, Nidal Abu Mustafa, said on Thursday, “It is very clear that there is a very large misleading campaign for the Arab and Islamic world in order to reduce pressure on the Zionist enemy entity, the Western world, and the United States, which the Zionist enemy entity is implementing in order to distract and deceive the world that it Aid is being brought into the Gaza Strip.

He explained that the latest of this deception is that the Jordanian army carried out an aid landing operation today in the northern Gaza Strip. However, the reality is that this aid fell in settlement areas close to the Gaza Strip and did not fall on the Palestinian citizens in the northern Gaza Strip who are suffering from extreme hunger.

He stressed that this is a clear series of propaganda and theatrics in which the Zionist enemy army participates with the Jordanian army and is implemented in a joint and agreed upon manner. This is very clear to mislead the world, but the reality is completely different.

He said, "The reality is what happened today, that the Zionist enemy army allowed a very small number of trucks to enter Al-Rashid Street in the northern Gaza Strip, and then opened fire intensely and fired shells at tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens who were present in the area waiting." The entry of aid that they were expecting to enter.”

He pointed out that more than 100 martyrs and hundreds were wounded in this horrific crime, as reported by the Palestinian media and the world learned about it.

He pointed out that the reality is also that the number of deaths continues to rise, especially among children, due to famine and malnutrition. Today, the tenth child was announced in hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip due to malnutrition, severe weakness, and dehydration.

The (Saba) correspondent concluded by saying: This is the reality and there is a play being worked on and implemented jointly between the Arab regimes - especially Jordan - and the Zionist enemy entity to mislead the world and make it believe that there is aid entering the northern Gaza Strip.


resource : Saba