Two settlers killed in shooting attack in Ramallah

Yemen News Agency SABA
Two settlers killed in shooting attack in Ramallah
[01/ March/2024]
BETHLEHEM March 01. 2024 (Saba) - Two Zionist settlers were killed in a shooting operation at a gas station at the entrance to Eli settlement in Ramallah district in the occupied West Bank.

According to Ma'an News Agency, the attackers of the operation arrived at the scene and opened fire on two settlers, who were killed a short time later.

Magen David Adom stated that the report of the shooting came at 5:10 p.m., and that the Magen David teams that arrived at the scene provided first aid to the wounded while they were unconscious, and a short time later their deaths were announced.

The enemy media reported the martyrdom of the attacker who participated in the shooting operation in Eli and the withdrawal of others.

resource : Saba