Nazi enemy kills Palestinian, injures his brothers southwestern Hebron

Yemen News Agency SABA
Nazi enemy kills Palestinian, injures his brothers southwestern Hebron
[01/ March/2024]
HEBRON March 01. 2024 (Saba) - The Zionist enemy forces have fired bullets at the Palestinians killing a young man and wounding his two brothers, one of whom was described as seriously, in front of the entrance to the village of Beit Awa, southwestern Hebron.

The Palestinian News Agency Wafa quoted the Palestinian Red Crescent Society as saying that its crews received a martyr and two wounded by enemy bullets at the entrance to Beit Awa, and they were transferred to a hospital.

It added that the martyr was hit with live bullets in the heart, and one of his brothers was hit with three bullets in the abdomen, chest, and lumps, which were described as serious, and the third was described as being slightly injured, noting that the three brothers were collecting “al-Aqoub” at the entrance to Beit Awa.

resource : Saba