Syrian Defense: Seven terrorist marches were shot down in countryside of Idlib and Raqqa

Yemen News Agency SABA
Syrian Defense: Seven terrorist marches were shot down in countryside of Idlib and Raqqa
[01/ March/2024]
DAMASCUS March 01. 2024 (Saba) - The Syrian Ministry of Defense announced that the armed forces operating in the direction of the countryside of Idlib and Raqqa managed to shoot down a number of drones that tried to attack military points and the civilian population in villages and safe towns.

The ministry said in a statement on Friday: "Units of the armed forces were able to shoot down and destroy seven drones belonging to terrorist organizations, and that two of them are American-made."

The Syrian army continues to target terrorist organizations in various places, where media sources reported a number of deaths and injuries from the terrorists of the "Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham", after they were targeted by two marches of the Syrian army in Khirbet al-Naqous in the northern countryside of Latakia, last Wednesday.

A few days ago, the Syrian Ministry of Defense published scenes of qualitative and focused operations carried out by the army against the terrorists' positions and fortifications in the countryside of Idlib and the northern countryside of Latakia.

The ministry explained that these operations came in response to the repeated violations and continuous attacks launched by armed organizations On army military outposts, and on safe villages and towns.


resource : SABA