America agrees to send more weapons to Zionist enemy

Yemen News Agency SABA
America agrees to send more weapons to Zionist enemy
[30/ March/2024]
WASHINGTON March 30. 2024 (Saba) - The Washington Post revealed today that the administration of US President Joe Biden has helped in recent days to provide the Zionist enemy with bombs and fighter jets worth billions of dollars.

The newspaper quoted informed sources as saying that "the new package includes more than 1,800 MK84 bombs," and the sources added: We continue to support the right of the occupying entity to defend itself and subject aid to conditions that were not our policy.

The State Department authorized the transfer of 25 F-35A jets and engines worth $2.5 billion to Israel," she said.

It said the bombs and fighter jets transported to Israel were approved by Congress years ago.


resource : SABA