Discussing preparations to commemorate International Al-Quds Day in Amran


Yemen News Agency SABA
Discussing preparations to commemorate International Al-Quds Day in Amran
[03/ April/2024]
AMRAN April 03. 2024 (Saba) - The Executive Office of Amran province, headed by Governor Dr. Faisal Jaman, discussed arrangements for commemorating International Al-Quds Day.

The meeting touched on preparations to commemorate this occasion, which will be held on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan in the province center and the directorates.

The meeting reviewed the epidemiological situation of cases of watery diarrhea in the province, and emphasized strengthening the community culture of public and personal hygiene.

In the meeting, the Governor of Amran urged the necessity of good preparation to commemorate the occasion of International Al-Quds Day, as a reminder of the oppression of the Palestinians , the acts of killing and destruction they are subjected to in Gaza and the occupied territories.

Governor Jaman called on the people of the province to participate widely in this important event to deliver a message to the Zionist enemy entity that Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa, and the Palestinian issue will remain the central and first issue for the nation.

While the Director of the Public Health and Population Office in the province, Dr. Muhammad Al-Houthi, reviewed the health situation in the province, especially in light of the emergence cases of watery diarrhea, and the number of cases of cholera in the procince’s districts.

Dr. Al-Houthi touched on the preventive measures that were taken in cooperation with the concerned authorities to limit the spread of the cholera epidemic, calling on international organizations to play their role in supporting the efforts of the health sector in the province to limit the spread of the epidemic and control it.


resource : SABA