Electricity Minister inspects work progress at Haziz Electric Power Generation Station


Yemen News Agency SABA
Electricity Minister inspects work progress at Haziz Electric Power Generation Station
[03/ April/2024]
SANA'A April 03. 2024 (Saba) - Electricity and Energy Minister in the caretaker government, Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Bukhaiti, inspected the progress of work at the electrical power generation station in Haziz area, south of the capital, Sana’a.

He was accompanied by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity for Technical Affairs, Abdul-Jabbar Al-Shami, and the Deputy Director General of the Corporation for the Generation Sector, Tariq Ismail, on the progress of work in the various sections of the station and the existing generating capacity in it, amounting to 36 megawatts.

Al-Bukhaiti, Al-Shami and Ismail listened to an explanation from the station’s director, Engineer Ali Al-Alaya, and its operation and maintenance managers, about the workflow, the operation , maintenance mechanism, and the steps to raise the station’s generating capacity.

Minister Al-Bukhaiti stressed the need to benefit from the extensive experience and qualified personnel in the station to implement comprehensive overhaul maintenance, and to work in a team spirit to return the station to service with its full generating capacity.

He directed the station director and all specialists to provide an integrated matrix on the problems facing the workflow, their solutions and treatments, especially with regard to some equipment that requires maintenance abroad.

He also directed the station's administration to quickly hold a public auction to sell the station's waste oil and fuel, amounting to 150,000 liters, to benefit from the amounts that will be returned from it to cover the purchase of spare parts for the station.


resource : SABA