ICRC: Gaza hospitals turned into rubble & humanitarian workers killed


Yemen News Agency SABA
ICRC: Gaza hospitals turned into rubble & humanitarian workers killed
[03/ April/2024]
GAZA April 03. 2024 (Saba) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed on Wednesday that Gaza's hospitals have been reduced to rubble and humanitarian workers are being killed.

The Palestinian Ma'an News Agency quoted the committee as saying: "Less aid and health care means less hope for Gaza, and every collapse in the health system is devastation for civilians."

Since the outbreak of the Zionist war approximately six months ago, the Zionist enemy army has launched a number of operations that targeted hospitals, medical facilities and the surrounding neighborhoods, accusing Hamas of using them as a cover for its activities, but the movement strongly denied that its fighters used Al-Shifa and other health facilities.


resource : SABA